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Azerbaijan has great prospects for development of sports – UNESCO

Tokyo, 27 June, /AJMEDIA/

Azerbaijan has great opportunities for the development of sports, Assistant Director-General for the Social and Human Sciences of UNESCO Gabriela Ramos said, AJMEDIA reports.

She made the remark before the opening of the multilateral forum within the framework of the International Conference of Ministers and Senior Officials on Physical Culture and Sport (MINEPS VII).

“Azerbaijan has a very strong leadership headed by Sports Minister Farid Gayibov. Together we managed to develop the agenda of this conference,” Ramos said.

She noted that the purpose of this international sports conference in Azerbaijan is to develop the potential of sports opportunities to stimulate economic development, social integration and achieve gender equality.

“Within the framework of this conference, we will also work on establishing contacts for the Olympic Games in Paris in 2024, the Pan American Games in Chile and other sporting events,” she said.
Baku hosts the VII International Conference of Ministers and Senior Officials on Physical Culture and Sports (MINEPS VII) on June 26-29, at which more than 150 countries are represented by the ministers of sports.

MINEPS VII is a global conference hosted by UNESCO. The conference is attended by members of the government, athletes, representatives of the private sector and other participants in order to increase investment in sports, improve sports practices, promote quality physical education and strengthen the positive impact of sports on health, society and economy.

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