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It is necessary to start process of rapid reintegration of Armenians of Karabakh into Azerbaijani society – expert

Tokyo, 06 June, /AJMEDIA/

Issues of reintegration of Armenian residents of Karabakh into Azerbaijani society were discussed in the release of the analytical “Dialogue with Tofik Abbasov” video project on the Baku Network expert platform, AJMEDIA reports.

The guest of the program was the Director of the Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (ANAS), Doctor of Philosophy Ilham Mammadzade.

“The manipulation by Armenians living in different parts of the world continues to affect Armenian society. This manipulation will continue. Reintegration is a long process, and it is inevitable. Azerbaijan is interested in dialogue and calls for understanding. Some Armenians of Karabakh will hear us,” he said.

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