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Fujitsu and Mizuho leverage AI to track trends in humpback whale migration and promote sustainable tourism for Hachijo island

Tokyo, 26 May, /AJMEDIA/

Fujitsu Limited, Mizuho Financial Group Inc, Mizuho Bank Ltd, Mizuho Research & Technologies Ltd and Hachijo town in Tokyo have announced that Fujitsu will deploy its AI-based image recognition technology in a pilot program to better grasp trends in humpback whale migration in the area, while exploring potential use of this data to promote ethical tourism. The project marks an important milestone in efforts to make Hachijo island a smart and sustainable island.

This project aims to conserve and allow for residents and visitors alike to enjoy Hachijo Island’s precious natural resources in accordance with the framework of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s “Tokyo Treasure Island Sustainable Island Creation Project.”

As the only major financial institution operating on Hachijo island, Mizuho is leveraging its knowledge regarding finance and digital technology to realize a “smart island,” as part of an initiative to tackle regional issues through the real-world implementation of digital technology. To this end, Mizuho promotes a variety of initiatives, including digitalization of government processes and tourism promotion.

Mizuho has been collaborating with Hachijo town and Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology in conducting ecological research, supporting the introduction of digitalization to promote tourism. In particular, Mizuho continues to support field trials to better understand trends of humpback whale migration using AI image recognition technology, which obtains video data from fixed-point cameras installed for disaster prevention purposes.

By utilizing Fujitsu’s AI technology and strengthening this project, the precision of ecological surveys that used to be done manually will be improved, contributing to biodiversity conservation, and timely information about the status of humpback whale migration will be provided creating new tourist attractions in harmony with the local natural environment.

Using an AI model trained with the migration behavior of humpback whales, Fujitsu and the project partners will analyze video data from multiple fixed point cameras on the island to verify the feasibility of humpback whale detection. At the same time, the operational flow in utilizing the detection results, with a focus on specific ways to utilize them, such as informing tourists about the status humpback whale migration is being considered.

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