AJMEDIA News Digest: May 28, 2024

Tokyo, 28 May, /AJMEDIA/ Toyota, Mazda, Subaru to develop new engines in hybrid push TOKYO – Toyota Motor Corp., Mazda Motor Corp., and Subaru Corp. said Tuesday that they will… Read more

ANAMA employee injured in landmine blast in Aghdam

Tokyo, 28 May, /AJMEDIA/ On May 28, a mine incident occurred in the territory of the village of Sirkhavand in the Aghdam district, Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and the… Read more

Azerbaijan celebrates 106th anniversary of the Democratic Republic in full sovereignty

Tokyo, 28 May, /AJMEDIA/ The establishment of the first democratic republic in the East is a bright example of the rich statehood history of the Azerbaijani nation. The 106th anniversary… Read more

First ASCO Handysize bulk carrier under Azerbaijani flag embarks on maiden voyage

Tokyo, 28 May, /AJMEDIA/ The first Handysize-type bulk carrier “Khojaly” of the Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company (ASCO), has embarked on its maiden voyage, loading cargo at South Korea’s Bukpyung Port… Read more

Azerbaijani President: “In solidarity for a Green World” slogan reflects spirit of our COP29 mission

Tokyo, 28 May, /AJMEDIA/ “Azerbaijan will also facilitate the participation of SIDS at the COP29,” said President Ilham Aliyev as he addressed to the participants of the 4th International Conference… Read more

President Ilham Aliyev: Azerbaijan has always promoted legitimate interests and concerns of Small Island Developing States

Tokyo, 28 May, /AJMEDIA/ “Azerbaijan has always been in solidarity with the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and promoted their legitimate interests and concerns,” President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said… Read more

President: We will do our best to ensure that voices of small island developing nations are heard loud and clear

Tokyo, 28 May, /AJMEDIA/ “SIDS are the most vulnerable nations to climate change,” Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said in his address to the participants of the 4th International Conference on… Read more

UK Labour leader Keir Starmer woos undecided voters with a vow to safeguard national security

Tokyo, 28 May, /AJMEDIA/ British opposition leader Keir Starmer made his first major speech of the U.K. election campaign Monday, telling undecided voters that they can trust his Labour Party… Read more

Netanyahu acknowledges ‘tragic mistake’ after Rafah strike kills at least 45 Palestinians

Tokyo, 28 May, /AJMEDIA/ Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledged Monday that a “tragic mistake” had been made after an Israeli strike in the southern Gaza city of Rafah set… Read more

sia security may be at risk if Japan-S Korea ties sour again

Tokyo, 28 May, /AJMEDIA/ While relations between Japan and South Korea have been improving for years, concerns have also been mounting that bilateral ties might worsen again in the future,… Read more