Azerbaijan has significant potential for promoting sports among young people – Boom Digital Media

Tokyo, 27 June, /AJMEDIA/

Azerbaijan has a significant potential for promoting sports among young people, Founder of Boom Digital Media Ming Wei Ng told AJMEDIA.

The Boom Digital Media is a company specializing in helping brands optimize their presence on the TikTok platform.

“The MINEPS conference promotes the spread of sports in Azerbaijan, especially among young people. Such an event has the potential to encourage the spread of sports in Azerbaijan and contribute to the formation of more Azerbaijani champions,” Ming Wei said.

According to him, the MINEPS conference is a significant event, as many politicians and other participants from various countries gather here, who have the opportunity to share their achievements and demonstrate what they are ready to do to stimulate interest in sports and increase participation in sports competitions.

He also noted that Baku’s significant efforts are noticeable in the development of sports, including the successful organization of the European Games.

He said that social networks play an important role in the development of sports, especially given the growing popularity of these platforms among young people. Therefore, if people really want to promote sports, politicians, and governments should start actively using social networks for this purpose.

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