Azerbaijani table tennis players ready for action in BRICS Sports Games Kazan 2024

Tokyo, 11 June, /AJMEDIA/

Azerbaijani table tennis players will demonstrate their prowess in the international multi-sport event “BRICS Sports Games Kazan 2024” scheduled to take place in Kazan, Russia on June 11-24.

Eight table tennis players are gearing to represent Azerbaijan in the competition.

The BRICS Sports Games are an annual multi-sport event organised by the BRICS countries. The main goal of the tournament is to strengthen friendly sports ties between countries based on the principles of equality, non-discrimination and equal access of athletes to competitions. During 12 days, about 5,000 athletes will be competing in 27 sports.

A total of 97 Azerbaijani sportsmen will join 11 sports disciplines, including rowing, canoeing, fencing, judo, table tennis, karate, sambo and different types of wrestling.

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