Gunay Afandiyeva: Central Asia is geography where our ancestors sleep and spirit of our great forefathers lives on

Tokyo, 27 December, /AJMEDIA/

“Central Asia is the geography where our ancestors sleep and the spirit of our great forefathers lives on,” President of the International Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation Gunay Afandiyeva said at a panel session of the Central Asia Media Forum entitled “International organizations – a bridge of cooperation” held in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana, on December 20-21.

Heads of Turkic Cooperation Organizations and other international organizations, public and political figures, scientists, mass media representatives took part in the session.

Speaking about the importance of the Media Forum dedicated to Central Asia, the president of the Foundation emphasized: “Central Asia is the geography where our ancestors sleep and the spirit of our great forefathers lives on. It is one of the beginnings of Turkic history, whose age is measured in millennia. It is the Motherland of many spiritual monuments and rare epics of oral folk literature. The legacy of the great states that once existed is from the cradles of Turkic science and philosophical thought.”

Gunay Afandiyeva, stressing that the Turkic peoples come from the same lineage, culture, language and religion, touched on the issue of the existence of favorable opportunities to further expand relations between them in the modern era: “In the current world environment, the Turkic peoples have great potential to establish close cooperation. Understanding our spiritual existence, relying on our common roots and values, we are able to achieve the expected results in solidarity.”

Speaking about the integration processes of the Turkic peoples, the president of the organization highly appreciated the efforts of the Turkic heads of state in this direction: “Today, their far-sighted policy not only elevates the relations between the Turkic states to a new and higher level, but also serves prosperity, peace, and security in the region. In this regard, the Turkic Cooperation Organizations established by the Turkic heads of state are also contributing to the progress of the process.”

Gunay Afandiyeva spoke about the extensive activities in the international arena of the International Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation headed by her despite being a young organization: “The Foundation studies, protects and promotes the material and spiritual culture of the Turkic people. Adhering to our common goal in all our work and projects, we aim to spread the richness of Turkic culture worldwide. This year, with the formation of its international secretariat, the organization has entered a new stage.”

The president of the Foundation touched upon the importance of the Turkic World’s extensive and efficient use of the media in accordance with the requirements of the time: “The acts of vandalism were purposefully committed in the liberated Karabakh territory of Azerbaijan, a founding member of the organization. Before the invasion, Karabakh was one of the famous sites for its literature, music, art, prominent personalities it cultivated, and cultural monuments. It is with great regret that the architecture, museums, libraries, art schools, and theaters located there were subjected to terrible damage and destroyed by the Armenians. We must convey these historical truths to the world community. In this regard, the role and responsibility of the media is essential.”

Gunay Afandiyeva drew attention to the importance of activities of Turkic Cooperation Organizations in the direction of further strengthening the unity of the Turkic World: “If the millennial values of the Turkic people are introduced by the International Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation with various events and projects on different continents – Europe, Asia, Latin America, this shows the importance of the role played by international organizations in displaying the historical and cultural heritage of the Turkic states to the whole world. As Turkic Cooperation Organizations, if we fulfill our missions with determination and responsibility, this shows that we contribute to the shining of the Turkic World as a single, huge star.”

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