The Shusha Declaration is a road map that leads Azerbaijan and Turkey to common goals

Tokyo, 15 June, /AJMEDIA/

June 15, 2021 has gone down in the history of Azerbaijan as a significant event and a date of special importance. On that day, for the first time in the modern history of Azerbaijan, the head of state welcomed the leader of a foreign state in Karabakh. The signing of the Declaration on alliance relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Turkey in the city of Shusha, which has a rich history, was engraved in our memories as an important historical event.
The fact that the Shusha Declaration coincides with the Liberation Day of the Azerbaijani people – June 15, and the 100th anniversary of the Kars Treaty, which is considered very important for Karabakh and Zangezur, has a special symbolic meaning. We are living witnesses of history repeating itself and similar events happening again. Even now, states such as USA, Russia, Great Britain, France, and Iran are openly fighting for the region. However, the difference this time is that the events are unfolding in accordance with the interests and benefits of Azerbaijan. It is no coincidence that while signing the Declaration with the Turkish leader in Shusha, the head of state of Azerbaijan reminded everyone of the Kars Treaty: “The historic Kars Treaty was signed exactly one hundred years ago. This has a great symbolic meaning. After one hundred years, the joint declaration of alliance signed in the liberated city of Shusha shows the direction of our future cooperation. Many important issues are reflected in the declaration. Joint cooperation at the international level, our activities, political relations, economic-trade relations, culture, education, sports, youth policy, almost all areas are covered. The importance of the Southern Gas Corridor for Turkey, Azerbaijan and the world is shown.”
Of course, it is not accidental that President Ilham Aliyev refers to the Kars Agreement. Because similar cases to the processes that took place 100 years ago are still happening now. With just one difference. If at that time the outcome of the events ended in favor of Armenia and its patrons, today the new reality created in the South Caucasus means a direct victory of the state and people of Azerbaijan. As a result of the wise and visionary policy of our head of state, our people restored historical justice exactly 100 years later.
The Shusha Declaration signed by the leaders of Azerbaijan and Turkey is a historical reality that the whole world must come to terms with. The agreement, aimed at combining opportunities in protecting the common interests of both countries, as well as mutually coordinating their activities in regional and international strategic issues of common interest, is aimed at the destruction of geopolitical configurations that have lasted for nearly 200 years in the region under the leadership of Baku and Ankara, and will continue under the leadership of the Azerbaijan-Turkey tandem. will mean the beginning of a new regional order.
Also, the Shusha Declaration signed between Azerbaijan and Turkey is a revolutionary reality in the relations between the two countries. Thus, starting from June 15, 2021, Baku and Ankara officially announced their alliance in the military-political and economic fields. One of the most important points in the declaration is related to cooperation and alliance in the military field. It is mentioned here that if the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the two states are threatened or attacked by a third state or states, they will protect each other.
The recording of this provision in the Declaration is a very important message for individual neighboring and non-regional states, starting from the revanchist forces in Armenia today. With the Shusha Declaration, Turkey openly brings to the attention of the international community that it will stand by our country with its army in the event of a violation of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, a threat to the state borders. After that, all the neighboring states and the world community should know that those who think of threatening Azerbaijan’s state sovereignty will face a new regional military-political bloc.
The two fraternal countries will also make joint efforts to reform the armed forces of the two states in accordance with modern requirements, implement measures aimed at strengthening the defense capability and military security, increase the joint operational capability of the armed forces of the two countries, and close cooperation in the management of weapons and ammunition based on modern technologies. and for this purpose, it was agreed to promote the provision of related activities of authorized structures and institutions.
One of the other important points in the agreement is related to transport and logistics issues, which have become an important area of ​​the economy. In the Declaration signed between Azerbaijan and Turkey, the naming of Zangezur corridor, which is a historical Turkish land, is an important factor indicating historical goals. The declaration reflects increasing efforts to diversify national economies and exports, taking necessary measures to create mechanisms for organizing the free movement of goods, and continuing coordinated efforts aimed at the efficient use and further development of the Southern Gas Corridor. Also, using the technologies of intelligent transport systems actual issues such as further development of transit-transport potential in Azerbaijan-Turkey parts of international transport corridors, opening of Zangezur corridor connecting Azerbaijan and Turkey, restoration of transport-communication relations in the region, promotion of development of international transport corridors were included.
In the list of directions that we will emphasize when talking about the Shusha Declaration, it is necessary to mention the issues of information policy and lobbying, which are currently relevant. So, for more effective activity of the parties in the international arena, there is a need for joint steps in the field of media platform and diaspora. The declaration contains provisions such as further strengthening of cooperation in the field of information, communication and public diplomacy between the relevant institutions of the two countries within the capabilities of the Azerbaijan-Turkey Media Platform and closer development of cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkish diasporas, taking joint steps in the face of common problems and showing consistent solidarity. is a clear example of what was said.
Also, the Declaration contains provisions on the foreign policy behavior of Azerbaijan and Turkey. The document states that the parties conduct an independent foreign policy aimed at ensuring their national interests. According to the document, joint efforts will be made to develop international relations, solve local, regional and global security and stability issues.
For this, the importance of coordination and bilateral political consultations in the field of foreign policy is emphasized. In this direction, the importance of activities within the framework of the High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council between Turkey and Azerbaijan is noted.
Thus, on June 15, 2021, Azerbaijan and Turkey took a historic step and signed the Declaration that will change the geopolitical landscape of the region. This Declaration is also a strong message to the enemies of Azerbaijan and Turkey. This Declaration is an example of integration between the states of Azerbaijan and Turkey in all fields. Most importantly, this Declaration is a declaration to the world of a new historical reality for the region.

Vugar Aghayev

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